Council Minutes August 25 2020

Minutes of Lunenburg Board of Trade Council Meeting

5:15pm; July 21, 2020; at the LBoT Boardroom


Present:           Claude Baril, Susan Corkum Greek, Jason Huskilson,  Lynne MacKay, Jamie Myra,  Alicia Van de Sande, Willie Wells.


Approval of Agenda: (JM)

Call to Order:               (JM) 5:20pm.  Adjournment set for 6:00pm.

Approval of Minutes from previous meeting:  (LM, AVS)


Business Arising:       

(SCG):  Reibling Memorial: Nothing new.

New Business:           

(RB):     2020 Membership expiry: Our AGM is making the first part of a 2 part  move so that our year end will reconcile with the calendar year. This will require a change in our bylaws regarding payment of membership dues.

Motion: (SCG)  To extend the 2020 membership to January and adjust the fees to help augment membership numbers. (CB). Passed.

 (JM):     Lunenburg Tourism Campaigns:

 (JM):     Payroll Company Quote: Motion: (CB)     To accept Payroll Company Quote as recommended by Sylvia Booth. (LM).


(KF):     Firepit Quote: Deferred until we have a better idea where we will be with  regard to COVID19 next year.