Council Minutes Feb 11th, 2025
LBOT Minutes Date: February 11,2025
Attendees: Lisa Tanner, Martin Salvador, Robin Joost, Jane Swaagsrta, Rebekah Parsons, Adam Bower, German Acosta, Jamie Dean
Regrets: Abby Levy
Staff: Kandace Forward
CTO: 10:05. Minutes Approval: RJ, GA
Agenda Approved: Passed. Adjournment: 11:20
Agenda Item: New Business. Presenter: Martin Ruiz Salvador
*AGM went very well, a lot of positive feedback and a great turnout of new members
* LBOT email and etiquette: we should have a representative from the board to talk to the town. It was decided that this be Kandace Forward. When we are discussing or deciding LBOT items they should all go through Kandace.
Agenda Item: Business Support Tools for Tariffs. Presenter: Martin Ruiz-Salvador
· Kandace meeting with SCG- businesses are wondering how tariffs will effect them
· Kandace to follow up with Susan Corkum Greek
· James thinks it’s a good idea put together a package to hand out to businesses with information about tariffs and who to contact. Kandace will put a package together for LBOT members and non members
Agenda Item : Connecting Community Event/ Streetfest Presenter: Martin Ruiz Salvador
· On March 20/2025 we will host a community event and invite members and non members. Event will be held at Beach Pea and we will invite business owners for a drink and have a speaker to talk about building business in difficult times.
· Streetfest: The number of businesses participating in Streetfest has declined. We need to have a discussion with them to see if they want it to continue. Kandace will send out feedback to everyone regarding their interest in Streetfest
Motion made by Robin Joost that Kandace send out a letter to businesses regarding interest in Streetfest. Seconded by Jane Zwaagstra
Agenda Item: Community Donations. Presenter: Martin Ruiz- Salvador
Martin would like a list of community events we donate to. He also made note that instead of giving to Feed NS we should donate directly to school program instead. He suggested to donate to Jennifer Collins Classic and Mariners swim team to help host provincials.
Motion made by Robin Joost to donate $1000 to food pantry at Bluenose Academy, $1000 to Jennifer Collins Classic and ask the Mariners what they need as well as Folk Harbour. Seconded by Martin and Rebekah
Agenda Item: Campground Outdoor Repairs. Presenter: Martin Ruiz Salvador
· Somes sites need repair. One of the pedestals is damaged and needs to be replaced, outside bathroom needs to be painted. Dump station is low in the ground
· Some thoughts about having a propane BBQ and pergola to offer to the community for events
Motion made by Robin Joost to order pedestal, send the paint job out for tender, call Masons to fix dump station. Seconded by Martin
Agenda Item: 20th Anniversary of waterfront Association. Presenter: Robin Joost
· Kandace will ask Jamie if the town has something planned
· Interesting note is we have more and more cruise ships coming there is no coast guard as port of entry. Might be a good time to ask for funds for coast guard to be stationed here.
· If we want to more ships to come we need more infrastructure.
Agenda Item: Atlantic Cruise Association. Presenter: Kandace Forward
We have participated in this event for the last 3 years. Museum pays 50% of costs.
The fee is $500 plus hotel for two nights
The symposium is featured in Halifax on June 13th and 14th
Motion made by Martin to send Kandace, seconded by Robin
Agenda Item: Oktoberfest. Presenter: Kandace Forward and Adam Bower
· Looking at dates close to the end of September
· Kandace has a quote from Morgan Black to help with organizing Oktoberfest. His quote is for $2500
· Adam has proposals as well at a higher amount but comes with sponsorships
· More conversation will need to happen to figure out which route to take
Motion made to have a proposed date of September 26th 2026 by Martin, seconded by Jane Zwaagstra
Agenda Item: 100th Anniversary of Fisher’s Memorial. Presenter: Kandace Forward
Town and the Museum are leading a celebration and Kandace would like to help organize. Go Rock will do a segment. The date is September 9th
Kandace to ask Town what their plans are.
Agenda Item: Nova Scotia Loyal Pilot Project. Presenter: Kandace Forward
We’ve been asked if VIC would like to be Rainbow registered. It’s free.
Motion made by Martin to approve, seconded by Robin
Adjourned: 11:21