Council Minutes - January 12 2021
Minutes of Lunenburg Board of Trade Council Meeting
5:15pm; January 12, 2021; at the LBoT Boardroom
Present: Susan Corkum Greek, Gale Fullerton, Jason Huskilson, Lynne MacKay, Jamie Myra, Willie Wells. Staff: Administration Assistant; Renea Babineau, Campground Manager; Kandace Forward.
Regrets: Alicia Van de Sande.
Call to Order: 5:21pm by Jamie Myra.
Approval of Agenda: (GF, JH) Adjournment set for 6:25pm.
Approval of Minutes from previous meeting: Deferred to next. (SCG, LM)
Business Arising:
(Renea Babineau); AGM date: Depends on progess with COVID19. There are 2 years of Financial Reports to cover.
New Business:
(Alan Creaser); Re: Bluenose 100; A joint promotion, possibly virtual, depending on COVID19 progress.
(JM); Town of Lunenburg/URL ownership: Town wants ‘ This could be a good opportunity to negotiate a 5 year lease for the campground.
(JM); Digital Mapping for SSTC by Digital Fusion.
(Kandace Forward); Canada Day collaboration: Request is for $1000 for 2 Events.
(JM); Possible “Bubble Town” Communities: Facilitate Travel between 2 communities, ie; Lunenburg and Wolfville.
(GF, Kandace Forward); Campground Enhancements (Fire Pits, Yurts, etc.) We must be careful not to compete with services offered by our members.
Motion: (LM, GF); LBoT to donate $1000 to help celebrate Canada Day in collaboration with the Town of Lunenburg and the Fisheries Museum.
Motion: (SCG, LM); Budget up to $500 for ‘Snowman’ Contest to take place between February 1 to Mid March if we have sufficient snow.