Council Minutes - November 17 2020
Minutes of Lunenburg Board of Trade Council Meeting
5:15pm; November 17, 2020; at the LBoT Boardroom
Present: Susan Corkum Greek, Gale Fullerton, Lynne MacKay, Jamie Myra, Willie Wells. Staff: Administration Assistant; Renea Babineau, Campground Mgr; Kandace Forward
Call to Order: 5:28pm by Jamie Myra.
Approval of Agenda: (JM) Adjournment set for 6:30pm.
Approval of Minutes from previous meeting: (GF, SCG)
Business Arising:
(JM); Blockhouse still has some leaking windows. (see Jamie’s email)
(JM); Christmas Lighting Contest: Voting day is December 12. Demone’s Monuments will make a monument for “Light up Lunenburg for the Holidays” winners. Categories are Business and Residential.
Motion: (LM, GF) LBoT donate $500 for prizes and $500 for marketing for the “Light up Lunenburg for the Holidays” event. Passed.
(JM); Jamie and Kandace met with Town: Big tree in Bandstand and surrounding smaller trees going up this week.
New Business:
(JM); Financial Report/Review: We should try to get a 5 year lease for the campground land on Blockhouse Hill from the Town of Lunenburg. We need to get 2-3 quotes for Blockhouse improvements and repairs.
Motion: (GF, LM); Change the LBoT membership deadline to April 1. Passed.
In Camera Session
(JM); Staff Winter Hours
Adjournment: 6:26pm