Council Minutes Nov 20th ,2024

LBOT Council Meeting Minutes                                                                           Date:  Nov 20th , 2024

Attendees:  Martin Salvador, Adam Bower, Robin Joost, Jane Swaagstra, Rebekah Parsons

Regrets: Lisa Tanner, Brad Boutilier, German Acosta

Staff: Kandace Forward


CTO: 10:05                                                                  Minutes Approval: Deferred to next meeting

Agenda Approval: Passed                                          Adjournment: 11:00 Martin approved, Robin second


Agenda Item: Atlantic Lottery Grant                       Presenter: Kandace Forward


Kandace advised that she had been looking into grant options and came across an Atlantic lottery grant for Festivals and events, she suggested in applying for our South shore Oktoberfest event and any other events that would qualify, there is no indication of limits on applying, the Board directed Kandace to apply for all our current events. Kandace will apply for the events that fall in individual time frames as indicated on their website


Agenda Item: Lobster Crawl Event / Tail End Party                                  Presenter: Kandace Forward


Kandace had informed the board of directors that at the last South Shore Tourism meeting that she was advised that the Tail End party that we have been hosting in Lunenburg for the past few years was being located to Bridgewater at the Best Western , she advised the board that she spoke with Stephanie the SST coordinator about this as this was done without consultation with herself and when asked they made this decision while she was away on vacation, she claimed it was due to outgrowing the space , not being centrally located , and the lack of convenience   of not having the accommodations in the same venue. Kandace had voiced her disappointment with this decision and advised she would speak with her board about participating in an alternate way for this year. After discussion with the LBOT directors they expressed their disapproval and approved of an official letter to come from the board of trade, Kandace Advised that she draft a letter and send it out for approval. The Board also decided that for this year we would have a sperate event the beginning of February, Kandace will draft a plan for approval.





Agenda Item: Budget Forecast                                              Presenter: Kandace Forward

Item was deferred to the next meeting as more time was needed to finish this new operating budget forecast

Motion: to table was made by Robin Joost and seconded by Jane Swaagstra


Agenda Item: Digital Fusion Explore Lunenburg Presentation                   Presenter: Kandace Forward

Kandace advised the board that she was requested by Mayor Myra to attend a meeting in Bridgewater with Dwight Robar of Digital fusion and Stephanie from South Shore Tourism to discuss taking over the operation of the Explore Lunenburg website and become the owners of the site , that we stopped using about 6 years ago , we are the only community on the south shore that are not using the show me map and feeding events into it to funnel through all the south shore tourism platforms . It had been requested from me to ask if Dwight may come do a 15-minute presentation. the board agreed to hear him. Kandace did express that we currently have a digital map provider Tap N Be who is a local operator and member of the LBOT, there may be some challenges integrating 2 systems.




Agenda Item: South Shore Tourism Levy              Presenter: Kandace Forward

Kandace advised the board that at our last SST meeting that the marketing levy had been a topic of discussion, and the group had indicated that maybe this should be a south shore initiative and that the funds be collected from the entire South Shore and funneled through South Shore Tourism. They set a meeting for Nov 29th, Kandace advised she would attend to hear their plans. The board did not see the benefit of this collaboration as our towns needs as a UNESCO and Number 2 destination outside the HRM would not see the benefits of giving control of our marketing to an outside agency. The Board told Kandace she can attend for information purposes.


Agenda Item: Membership drive / Holiday Connecting Community Event      Presenter: Kandace Forward

Discussion: Kandace had asked if the board may permit having a Holiday party that would both serve as a event for current membership but also a invite to non members as a membership drive. The board agrees this is a great idea. Adam Bower suggested reaching out to Debra at the Academy foundation to see if they would like to host the event there. Adam had offered to get a special event licence to serve drinks for a cash bar. Adam also suggested reaching out to LAMP to see if they would like to provide musical entertainment The Board suggested Dec 12 to provide adequate time after the Light Up Lunenburg event. The board approved Kandace to start the planning of the event and will follow up via email.

Motion: Robin Joost made the motion to approve, Adam Bower seconded


Agenda Item: AGM Date & Location      Presenter: Kandace Forward

Kandace informed the board that they were a head of schedule with proving the Auditors Belliveau with the year end reporting material, she asked their input on date and venue location for this year’s AGM, a few suggestions were given, Dockside Inn, Bluenose Lodge. Kandace will explore these options. The board recommended either of the last 2 Thursdays of January. Kandace will confirm with the venues and Lisa from Belliveau what will work best for them and will follow up at next board meeting.

Adjourned: 10:50

Agenda Item: Rural Communities Foundation of NS Presentation   Presnter: Kandace

Discussion: Kandace Has asked the board for approval to have the Rural Communities Foundation of NS to attend our meeting in January to do a presentation, this organization has made a request to do so. The board has approved this presentation, they did also express if this fits in with our mandates but have no issues with hearing their presentation. Kandace will reach out to them to confirm our next meeting.

Agenda Item: Oktoberfest Update                                    Presenter: Kandace Forward

Discussion: Kandace advised the board that she was not able to meet with Adam Bower prior to this meeting to availability. Kandace did provide the board with an updated financial statement of the event. She advised that we did go over budget for this event due to some unexpected expenses from a last-minute change to sound and lighting, lower then expected ticket sales due to open air event and bad weather, the event had to end early which also was a loss is liquor sales. The board expressed overall this event was very successful and had heard from many businesses in the community that it increased revenue during the weekend. Martin expressed that although this was over our original budget, that the money made from our revenue source is meant to be put back into the community and he sees this as successful. We can now be more proactive with next years events and request some larger sponsorships. Adam had also suggested in getting outside help.

-Adjournment: Martin motioned to adjourn at 11:05, Robin seconded

Meeting date: Set for December 10, 2024